The Moor Shopping Centre
Pigeon Netting
Case Study No. 004
Client. Westgrove Facility Management
Overview. Our client has an issue with Pigeons roosting and nesting in the steel girders and air ducts above there delivery area, fowling on both deliveries and delivery personal
Industry. Retail
Project Name. The Moor Shopping Centre
Project Location. Sheffield, England
Brief / Challenge. Pigeons are roosting on the metal beams and air ducts above a covered delivery area measuring 1595 square meters. This has raised a public health concern as both deliveries and delivery personal are being fouled on resulting in a loss of revenue.
Survey Finding. There is no existing netting in this area. On the day of the survey, we counted over 30 Pigeons either roosting or nesting in this area. There are access panels, electrical supply, air vents and lighting suspended from the roof that would require access zips once the netting is installed. The delivery lorries use a wide-open space measuring 995 square meters to turn around. This area is in constant use with larger lorries delivering throughout the day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
The service we delivered. A MEWP boom lift was required to gain access to the girders our, engineers are all IPAL certificated and trained to use all forms of MEWPs. In lines with our PPE and RAMs all our engineers wore safety helmets, safety harnesses and protective eye wear. We first installed a grid using 800 meters of 2mm stainless steel wire under the girders, creating a twelve-box grid patter to support the net. The wire was secured using three different sizes of girder clamps and tensioned by barrel strainers. Twenty-seven rolls of 50mm pigeon netting measuring 5meters by 10meters were then attached to the wire using 22,000.00 hog rings. 1meter net zips were installed under each car park light. 2 meter zips were installed under the ducting access panels and electrical supply girders ensuring that the maintenance team could change a light bulb without cutting the net. The majority of the work had to be carried out at night to ensure that we did not obstruct the deliveries. It took eight days to complete this work
A bio clean was then carried out removing the pigeon droppings from the parking bays and foot paths