Wildlife Prevention
Long lasting solutions to your problem – Guaranteed.
If you find an injured animal in the UK, you can call the following numbers for help and advice:
• RSPCA (England and Wales): 0300 1234 999
• SSPCA (Scotland):
• Irish Wildlife Matters (Ireland)
• Telephone help line for sick or injured bird of prey: 0870 241 0609
Get in touch today
Wildlife Prevention
Unwelcome guests such as foxes, badgers, rabbits, and deer can come as a surprise to home owners and business alike. There are many species protected under the Wild & Countryside Act 1981, prohibiting the use of snares, traps and poisons.
We can provide a comprehensive and documented wildlife management solution for your property .
Is this the right service for you?
What regulations protect wildlife?
There are several Acts and regulations that protect wildlife in the UK. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The Wild Bird Protection Act 1902.
Can I trap and remove an animal from my property?
Snares, traps and poison in most cases cannot be used. Traps need to be inspected every 12 hours and a sufficient food source and water must be left in the trap.
How do I stop badgers from entering my property?
You cannot damage, destroy or block access to their setts. You can install a fence with a one-way gate as long as you are not blocking their access to the setts. You may be able to get a licence from Natural England if you can’t avoid disturbing badgers in their sett or damaging their sett.
What can I do if I have deer on my property?
Depending on the size of the property fencing can be used to restrict their access.
How much will it cost for a rodent treatment?
A three-stage rodent treatment and site survey carried out over three weeks will cost £206 plus VAT. A single or follow-up visit costs £75 plus VAT.
Our Services
Site survey
Wild life management solution

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TLC Pest Control provides solutions to your problem. Our site survey will not only identify the cause of the problem but how we will resolve it providing a long-term solution and peace of mind.
Our engineers, honesty, integrity, and warm personalities will have you completely at ease. All our team members are highly trained and DBS screened ensuring your safety.